Working with familiesUnderstanding the circumstances of parents means recognizing they may be going through grief over the diagnosis of ASD, financial or marital stress, stress from dealing with the diagnosed child's siblings, and stress from having to learn to use new assistive devices and a new language of terms related to this diagnosis, a treatment plan, or an IEP.
Parents may be making decisions based on a survival instinct or raw emotion - not logic - or what they believe is best for their family as a whole, it is not our place to judge. We should provide support for the whole family, the child with ASD, the parents, and the siblings at every stage of the process. For these families an iPad, puppet, or even plastic play food could become an assistive device. We cannot dismiss any knowledge that has practical application for these parents and should look for ways to design regular instruction to provide space for people with a variety of needs and preferences based on a professional evaluation of the needs of our clients/students/families. |
As educators, we choose to work with students who have autism, no parent chose to have an autistic child. |